Children’s Books

But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” - Matthew 19:14

Childhood is a precious and delicate thing. As parents, we have been given the sacred task of guiding and shaping our children’s development. As Christians, we know that our success as parents isn’t measured by our children’s grades or future careers, but by whether or not we have helped to show them Christ.


Our Newest Book!

Our newest book, The Divine Liturgy, has now been published! It is the seventh book in our series “Orthodoxy for Children” and is available on the page for that series here.

The Law of God for Children
from $19.99

Based on the classic Orthodox catechetical work “The Law of God,” this is an introduction to the foundations of the Orthodox faith in a simple and accessible format and to help them understand the most important truths of the Gospel: love for God and our neighbor, mercy, compassion, and hope. This book is ideal for parents teaching their children, for Sunday school classes, for homeschool co-ops and for children to read to themselves. We’re also pleased to have the original illustrations of artist Victor Domin!

Suitable for ages 7+ with parental guidance and for 12+ with self study.

Sacred History from Adam to Me
from $18.99

This book, by Deacon Ilya Kokin, is designed to teach children the basic overview of sacred history, starting with the Old and New Testaments and continuing with an overview of some of the persecutions that the Church has undergone, both ancient and modern, up to the present day.

Starting with the creation of the world, the book lays out the fall of the first human beings, the promise of a Savior, the cultivation of God's chosen people, the coming of the Messiah, His teaching, ministry, death, and Resurrection, the descent of the Holy Spirit, the preaching of the Apostles and martyrs, up to the great persecutions of the 20th century.


Orthodoxy for Children

This series is a collaboration between several different authors and illustrators, designed to introduce children to the basics of Orthodox faith, worship, and piety. Eventually, this series will include nine books. Titles include “God,” “The Temple,” “The Clergy,” “The Divine Services,” “Prayer,” “Fasting,” “Confession,” “The Great Feasts,” and “The Divine Liturgy.

Click here to check out this series!


Scripture and Feasts for Children

In this series, Russian author Elena Trostnikova delves deep into the Gospels and retells stories from the life and teachings of Christ in a way that is thoroughly Scriptural and Orthodox. With the beautiful, icon-like illustrations of Olga Podivilova, an accomplished children’s illustrator, even the smallest children will be drawn into the book and have their attention captured while you open to them the riches of the Gospels.

Click here to check out this series!

A Note on Shipping

All of our books will be available on with Amazon’s standard shipping options. They can also be ordered through our website. Unfortunately, when ordering through our website, the shipping might make the books take a little longer (a week or two) to arrive so if you’d like your book in a few days, Amazon is the best bet. However, Amazon does take a sizable percentage of the price and we are a small business, run by a mission priest to help support his family. And so if you’re able to wait a week or two, we appreciate every order coming through the website and apologize that it won’t be quite as convenient. Also, we may occasionally be able to have sales on our books on the website. If you are a Church bookstore and would like to order multiple copies with a wholesale discount, we can best accommodate you through the website. Please email editor at exaltationpress dot com.